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You may apply for a Belgian identity card if you are officially registered with this Embassy, either for:
- eID: electronic identity card for adults and children older than 12.
- Kids-ID: electronic identity card for children younger than 12
These eIDs and Kids-ID have many advantages:
- Convenient format: they are the size of a bank card
- Allow travel to more than 50 countries (find out more)
- Cheaper than a passport: € 20 for an eID, € 10 for a Kids-ID
- Remain valid in the event of a relocation (to another career consulate or Belgium)
- Allow certain secure operations on the internet (if their certificates are activated)
Since June 21, 2021, you need to come in person, by appointment, to the Belgian Embassy in Manila to obtain an electronic identity card (eID) or a Kids-ID (if your child is 6 years or older). You can also request your eID / Kids-ID from (1) the Belgian municipality of your last registration in Belgium, (2) your Belgian municipality of birth if you have never lived in Belgium but were born there, or (3) a Belgian municipality of your choice if you have never lived in Belgium and you were not born there either.
Any Belgian citizen registered in the population registers of a Belgian embassy or consulate can activate their eID at their consular post, another consular post or a municipality in Belgium. Cards and certificates can only be activated in the presence of the citizen by appointment. This also means that an eID of a minor child between 12 and 18 years old can only be activated in the presence of that minor child. To do this, citizens must bring their identity card and their PUK code. Activating the card and certificates allows citizens to identify themselves and connect to official Belgian websites (pensions, health insurance, invalidity…). You can also use it to perform some transactions and digitally sign documents. For more explanations on the eID software, see www.eid.belgium.be
If somehow the card is active already but you don’t remember the PIN-code anymore, this can be applied for online (not through the Embassy) directly on those two links in Dutch and French from the Department of Interior: