Belgian passport

On this page, you will find all information about the Belgian passport.

  1. Last updated on

Regular passport

You may apply for a regular passport if you are officially registered with an Embassy.

For passport applications, personal appearance is mandatory to do the biometrics, picture and signature. Only children below 6 years old are exempted of personal appearance: in this case, application form and required documents can be send via courier.

How to apply

Read the complete procedure (PDF, 158.84 KB)

Temporary passport

You are on holiday in the Philippines and your Belgian passport has been lost or stolen? You need a document to be able to return to Belgium? You reside abroad and you have to travel urgently?

We can, under certain conditions, issue a temporary passport to help you. This temporary passport is valid for a limited period and does not allow to travel to all countries in the same way as the regular passport.

How to apply

Read the for complete procedure (PDF, 181.2 KB)

More general information on passports